Examining Beliefs And Attitudes Toward Advertising Through Sport Among Serbian Consumers
The purpose of this pilot study was to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport compared with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Additionally, this pilot study was to analyse the relationships about beliefs and attitude towards advertising through sport. In the most part, it was expected that enterprises should profit from the use of sport as an advertising medium and the identification of specified beliefs influencing positive attitudes would enhance advertising strategies. The data was collected from randomly selected 127 students who attended University of Novi Sad during the autumn semester of 2013. The system of variables consisted of 39 items, modelled by the seven-point Likert scale, of attitudes and beliefs and eight demographic items that were modified from Pyun’s original items to fit each area. The factor analysis was employed to take the best item of each construct, while Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test was used to compare consumers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport with their attitudes towards advertising in general. Then, Optimal Scaling Method was employed to reveal the relationships between beliefs about and attitude towards advertising through sport. As expected, the customers’ attitudes towards advertising through sport were significantly more positive than their attitudes towards advertising in general. On the other hand, unexpectedly, just one (product information) of maximum seven belief constructs had significantly influenced attitudes towards advertising through sport.
sport; advertising; beliefs; attitudes; Serbia
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