Impact Of A Seven-Day Training Camp In The Alpine Environment On The Selected Functional And Biochemical Parameters Of Young Runners



The objective of the present thesis is to examine the effect of the seven-day training camp at an altitude of 1,880 meters above sea level on functional and biochemical changes of young sportspersons. The thesis is a pilot study. The research was conducted on n = 6 (including 2 girls), age = 17,33 ± 2,36, all of them belonging to elite youth sports within the Czech Republic. We have observed the dynamics of changes of morning resting heart rate, selected parameters of blood count (number of erythrocytes, haemoglobin and haematocrites) and the level of the anaerobic threshold. The measurements were performed 2 days prior departure, 2 days after return and 10 days after returning from the higher above-sea-level altitude. The morning resting heart rate was measured by the subjects during the course of 17 days before the camp and during the course of 14 days after returning from the camp. In the scope of the research, we have arrived at the following results: the resting heart rate as measured before departure was reduced by 2.44% 10 days after returning from the camp (it increased by 7.32% during the stay in the camp), the number of erythrocytes increased by 1.2%, that of haemoglobin increased by 1.5% and that of haematocrites increased by 1.6%, level of the anaerobic threshold was improved by 11 seconds (by 4.6%). Most probably, the weekly stay was too short; the effect of a shortened camp is not parallel to a training that lasts 21–28 days; however, the above change of level of the anaerobic threshold is statistically and substantively significant. Changes in blood values are not statistically significant, substantive significance shows a small to moderate effect.

altitude training; blood count; heart rate; lactate; sports training


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