Biomechanical Analysis Of Swimming Starts



This research presents results that represent the role of speed-force and timing parameters in four start types at the track of 7.5m and 10m distances. Eighteen performance male swimmers (age 23.4±2.1), specialists in the sprint event, participated in this study. We noticed the highest measured vertical force in swimming starts with rearward stretch (ZŠSN, AŠSN) in both track distances. For the horizontal force in the tracks of both distances we noticed the highest values of maximum force in grab starts (ZŠS, ZŠSN), but the average values were the highest in the track starts (AŠSN, AŠS). From the timing parameters on the starting block, the shortest reaction time was measured in swimming starts with rearward stretch (ZŠSN, AŠSN). The shortest movement and starting reaction time from the starting block were measured in the swimming start with rearward stretch (ZŠSN, AŠSN) in both track distances. The shortest time of a flight and gliding phase for the track of 7.5m and 10m distances were measured in the track start with rearward. The difference between the first and the second fastest time in the track of 7.5 m distance to 0,02 s, but the track of 10m distance was doubled. On the basis of these results, we recommend to swimming sprinters to use mainly the track start with rearward. The statistical significance of differences in speed-force parameters pointed towards the differences between the four types of swimming starts. All types of start showed a close relationship between the track time for 7.5m and 10m distance, horizontal force parameters and the time of the flight and gliding phase.

swiming starts; vertical force; horizontal force; timing parameters; speed-force parameters

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