Comparison Of Efficiency Of STOB Manual Methodology And Intervention Movement Programme In Obese Women Group
The article presents an evaluation of the efficiency and effects of the complex approach (a synergy of the cognitive-behavioural psychotherapy and the intervention program of physical exercises) for therapies for overweight and obese subjects. There were two groups of subjects (women). The first group participated both in the STOB course and the intervention movement program, and the other group went through the intervention movement program only. 22 subjects who were overweight or obese participated in the twelve-week programme. The average BMI rate in the STOB group was 33,77 (± 19,3). The second group (of 10 subjects) participated in an intervention programme only. An average BMI rate in this group was 29,99 (± 6,96). The research started in the autumn of 2009 and was completed in the autumn of 2011. It was investigated as a part of the dissertation thesis. The article examines the efficiency and effects seen in the experimental group (the STOB group) and the control group (the IMP group). The examined parameters are the rates of BMI. The results reveal a positive influence of the complex approach in this kind of therapy (the STOB programme) which means a synergic effect of the cognitive-behavioural therapy and the intervention movement programme and the diet programme. The STOB group decreased significantly the BMI value by 5,37 % during the intervention. The IMP group BMI value was only by 0,45 %. The results of quantitative evaluation of intervention movement programme proved positive and a statistically significant change of the time load in the STOB group. The difference in the IMP group time load was found to be non-significant.
obesity; cognitive behaviour therapy; BMI; physical activity
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