Comparison Of The Exercise Intensity During Playing A Computer Game Playdance On Dancing Pads And Without Them



The objective of this paper was to compare the exercise intensity during play of the video game “PlayDance”. This involved carrying out exercise on dancing pads and crosses marked on the ground. All respondents were university students, 21-26 years old, who had a minimum previous experience with dancing pads. Our research was aimed at comparing the differences in HR between exercise on dancing pads with crosses marked on the ground.  Three basic levels of difficulty were involved in the study. We also compared the levels of difficulty between each student. The research confirmed that the level of exercise intensity was lower on crosses compared to dancing pads and also that the exercise intensity increases with the level of difficulty although this was not the case from level 2 to level 3 on crosses. The majority of players expressed that they found playing the game on dancing pads more enjoyable and motivational than on crosses. Therefore, we cannot recommend playing “PlayDance” on crosses marked on the ground as separate activity, but should be combined with the dancing pads. This appears to reflect on the motivation to continue. We recommend playing PlayDance on dancing pads or using a combination of pads and crosses.

dancing pads; physical activity; active video game; AVG; exercise intensity; PlayDance


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