Influence Of A Specific Training Incentives On Youth Goalkeeper´S Individual Game Performance In Football
The research focused on the sport training issue of junior goalkeepers in football. It was a two-group, time-parallel pedagogical experiment in natural conditions of the training process. We surveyed the impact of experimental factors on the dynamics of changes of in game performance of goalkeepers using individual game performance evaluation and expertise method and individual game performance evaluation. The content of special training of a goalkeeper was the experimental factor in our pedagogical experiment. The experimental factor appeared to be different in the experimental and control group. In the technical and tactical preparation, it appeared with a different representation of the offensive and defensive activities of the goalkeeper. We based the experimental factor on more than 100 analysis of individual game performances of junior and senior goalkeepers in top events. The results obtained during research were analysed and compared with the results of the control group. We conclude that the training program of experimental group with the emphasis on offensive game activities had a statistically significant impact on individual game performance of goalkeepers in the match.
football; goalkeeper; goalkeeper training; goalkeeper´s individual game performance
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