Measurement Of Changes In Snow Temperature In Skiing Track
The friction of skis increases the temperature of the snow on the skiing track. The changes in temperature are connected with the use of specific waxes. To find out the changes of snow temperature in the skiing track, the use of thermographical system FLIR SC 620 with frequency sampling of 30Hz was used. This system was used on a group of 11 skiers. Significant continual increases of snow temperature were revealed when the skiers passed (0,87±0,153 °C) and then decreased to original level 10 - 30 seconds after skiing activity. Flat dynamic thermography could help when considering tactics in classical skiing in addition to choosing the correct wax. In order to be able to get more significant findings it is necessary to make repeated observations on conditions that are similar to real competition or during classical competition with the skiing track on plain or ascending surfaces.
cross-country skiing; classical technique; temperature of snow; infrared thermography
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