Inclusion of Students with Physical Disabilities in Physical Education
The presented paper is concerned with the analysis of the current state of inclusion in general physical education (PE). Even though, students with physical disabilities form a permanently growing group of individually included students, this topic is not yet well studied. The survey took place in 2007 in elementary schools. A research sample consisted of 164 PE teachers who taught students with physical disabilities (164 boys, 90 girls). Out of the whole research sample, 160 students were included in PE classes. The other students were released from PE based on a recommendation from their physicians. It is evident that the inclusion within the frame of PE represents a unique phenomenon enabling a complex development of the student’s personality. However, there are a number of important factors influencing the success of inclusion, for example, lack of financial means, low family support, and lack of knowledgeable PE teachers in the field of adapted physical education. These crucial factors significantly influence the process. An essential factor in the successful inclusion of students with disabilities to the system is the creation of appropriate conditions by the school (material, personal, spatial). In addition, the family has to undertake certain steps leading to a more effective cooperation. Inclusive PE should be based on a complex assessment of students. It should suit their individual needs and should be highly planned and systematic.
support of inclusion; student with special educational needs; adapted physical education; teacher’s assistant
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