The Transformation of the Sokol Sports Complex in Brno
This article examines the historical evolution and transformation of the Sokol's multi-functional sports complex at the Brno Reservoir. Originally conceived in the 1930s by the Sokol Brno I unit, the complex was envisioned as a comprehensive sports and recreational facility that would advance the physical education ideals of the Sokol movement. Over time, the complex experienced significant changes driven by political, social, and economic forces, including periods of neglect and revival. Today, it remains operational, offering a diverse range of sports and recreational activities, however very different from the original intentions, while preserving its legacy as a cultural and social landmark in the Brno region.
The aim of this study is to analyze the historical development of the complex, assess key political, social, and economic influences on its transformation, and evaluate its contemporary role in Czech physical education and sports traditions.
The study draws on a thorough historical analysis of primary sources, including archival documents, meeting records, and contemporary periodicals, supplemented by secondary literature on Sokol's history. Methodologically, the study employs chronological reconstruction, qualitative analysis of socio-political influences on the development of the complex, and comparative analysis to identify patterns and discrepancies in the historical record. The findings reveal that the complex functioned not only as a recreational hub but also as a symbol of resilience and community spirit, especially during periods of adversity under Nazi occupation and the Communist regime.
The article concludes by examining the post-1989 restoration of the complex, emphasizing its ongoing role in preserving Czech cultural and physical education traditions.
Sokol; Sokol unit; Sokol movement; Sokol Brno I; Sokolské koupaliště; Brno Reservoir; physical education
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