Rest Pauses Between Strength Training Series and Changes In Bone Density in Athletes – A Pilot Study



A bone mineral density (BMD) test can provide a snapshot of bone health. The test identifies osteoporosis, determines the risk of fracture (broken bones), and measures the response to osteoporosis treatment. The study attempted to determine the effects of three different rest periods (30, 60, 120 sec.) as a variable factor in strength training on selected indicators of total bone density.

The experiment involved four groups of five participants: three experimental groups and one control group. The study’s participants were characterized as athletic in ability, with strength sufficient training experience of more than 3 years and technical knowledge; the participants were male, aged 18-35 years (n = 20). To evaluate the effect of rest pauses in strength training on bone density, the states before and after the experiment were compared in individuals, the experimental groups and the control group. For analysis we use the BMD index (g /cm2), T-score, and Z-score.

In the group which applied the 30-second rest period, the mean BMD increase was 0.0046 g/cm2 with a standard deviation of 0.0079 g/cm2, in the 60-second group it was -0.0260 g/cm2 with a standard deviation of 0.0412 g/cm2, and in the 120-second group it was 0.0082 g/cm2 with a standard deviation of 0.0168 g/cm2. At a statistical significance level of 5%, no significant difference in bone density was found between the groups for different rest pauses, but the factual significance of the relationship of strength training as a possible prevention of osteoporosis and solving problems of the musculoskeletal system.

bone density; strength; strength training; muscle mass; hypertrophy

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