Youth in the Kaleidoscope: Civic Participation Types in Estonia and the Czech Republic

Youth Public and Political


This paper presents an exploratory typological analysis of young people (aged 15–30)
as political and civic actors in Estonia and the Czech Republic. We compare youth civic engagement patterns
in these two East European countries, sharing similar socio-historical contexts, and analyse the sociodemographic
and attitudinal profiles of the resulting participation types. The study draws on Estonian
and Czech data sets collected from November to December 2016 within the Horizon 2020 project
‘CATCH-EyoU – Constructing AcTive CitizensHip with European Youth: Policies, Practices, Challenges
and Solutions’. Two independent methods (latent class analysis and cluster analysis) demonstrated shared
patterns in the political and civic activities employed by the Estonian and Czech participants, suggesting
the existence of four clearly distinguishable types of young citizens. A more detailed analysis revealed that
the socio-demographic and attitudinal profiles of active young people, and therefore, the factors of political
socialization, differed quite substantially in the two countries.

Klíčová slova:
youth; civic participation; political participation; digitally networked participation; CATCH-EyoU; Estonia; Czech Republic

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