Integrative body-psychotherapy I.: Theoretical base



Working with the body in psychotherapy has roots coming up from W. Reich. Today a great variability among different schools and approaches is typical for it. The Integrative body-psychotherapy is presented in its theoretical base. Its origin is quite recent. The main pillars are A. Lowen’s bioenergetics, S. Johnson´s synthesis of character analysis, psychoanalytical object relations theory and body approaches, R. Kurtz’s mindfulness based approach, and also influences from D. Boadella’s biosynthesis and S. Keleman’s formative psychology. Shortly described is the concept of personality of Lowen, the concept of energy in the body, releasing it through impulses from the self and impacts of holding it in the form of blocks in the body. It is explained the concept of character structure and the development of it in general and concrete way. Finally it is introduced the use of mindfulness in the way of improvised experiments and so called probes.

Filip Abramčuk, Department of Pedagogy and Psychology, České Budějovice, Czech Republic e-mail:

bioenergetic analysis; body-oriented psychotherapy; character analysis; integrative body-psychotherapy; mindfulness

