The theoretical underpinnings as a determinant of media education praxis


The theoretical study outlines the structural problems of media education derived from its theoretical dependence on media studies and social science paradigm of media effects research. The introductory chapters present media education within the theoretical field of media studies. It is argued that media education has not its own theory but derives its knowledge, educational objectives, curriculum and methods, from the dominant concepts generated within the field of media studies. The concept of media effects is identified as the structural element of its praxis. The prevalence of social science approach in research of media effects leads to the formation of the concept of media effects, which can be simply observed, described and generalized. However, this approach does not fully grasp the problems of media in their broad social and cultural context and leads to the establishment of media education, which is protectionist, normative and objectivist in nature. Finally an alternative critical approach allowing to structure media education as an autonomous research and pedagogical field is offered. Media education can adopt many forms in dependency on the reference theoretical concepts. The dominant media education model, oriented on the social science paradigm of media effect research, can be enriched with other perspectives that enable a comprehensive understanding of media in their social context and lead to the critical reflection of, not only media, but the general social and power praxis. Such a media education would contribute to the effective development of critically thinking participants of media communication. Rethinking the very theoretical background and objectives of media education and emancipating it from the theoretical dependency on social science determined media effects conception seems to be necessary. Integration of interpretative and critical approaches will better support the development of critical media literacy and enable media education to build its own knowledge base and autonomously organize its own teaching praxis.

media education; media studies; social science paradigm; media effects; protectionism; normativity; objectivism; critical media literacy

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