A new opportunity: Situational analysis in educational research
The present study deals with the possibilities of utilizing situational analysis in pedagogical research. Although situational analysis is a new method that has been significantly developing only in the last decade, it is now widely used in a range of social sciences and humanities. Despite the success across various disciplines, situational analysis has not yet widely penetrated into the research on education neither abroad, nor in the Czech Republic. It is still dominated by the first generation grounded theory or the constructivist oriented grounded theory. The present study responds to this deficit by representing situational analysis as a “theory/method package” while demonstrating not only its ontological-epistemological bases for the study of social/educational reality and the main differences from the classic grounded theory, but also principles for using the three key tools of situational analysis: (1) situational maps, (2) maps of social worlds and arenas and (3) positional maps. The study demonstrates the use of all these three tools for examining various aspects of education. In a discussion on these aspects, the study highlights the key benefits of situational analysis as a theoretical-methodological approach to the study of educational phenomena.
situational analysis; grounded theory; qualitative research; methodology of educational research
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