Learning and teaching foreign languages, and identity



In the past sixty years, there has been a rapid development in research on processes of teaching and learning foreign languages. With similar intensity, new theories of foreign language acquisition have been created which investigate processes of both intentional and incidental language acquisition. These areas do not only reflect the latest findings from relevant neighbouring disciplines, but also the demands of the contemporary society on language training. This paper focuses on one of the areas, which is becoming, especially abroad, a widely discussed issue in the scholarly discourse on foreign language teaching methodology and research. This is the area of the complex and multidimensional relationship between language/languages and identity/identities of individuals in the context of teaching and learning of foreign languages. The paper opens with a brief glance at the constructs of identity and an outline of relevant theories of language learning and language acquisition which correspond to current concepts of identity. A general presentation of the relationships between language and identity follows. The next section presents those areas of FLT in which the construct of identity emerges with particular intensity. Last but not least, a research survey on the issue of relationships between language and identity in the context of teaching and learning of foreign languages is presented.

learning and teaching foreign languages; identity; language identity; theory; research

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