Sensation seeking and student’s preferred learning style


The objective of this empirical study is to determine what learning style students and how this relates to their sensation seeking tendency. We were also interested in what natural clusters occur if these two variables are considered, together with gender and students’ affiliation with general or physical education oriented class at grammar school. Theoretical basis, which are Dunn’s theory of learning styles and theory of Zuckerman’s sensation seeking tendency, are introduced in the first part. The second part describes used methods including reliability and validity verification of the applied questionnaire. Cluster analysis is the method for data processing and provides a deep insight into a big amount of variables. The third part informs about the main results, discusses them and provides praxis recommendations. The greatest diff erences between genders and class type were found in sensation seeking tendency, partly in learning styles. Girls of physical education and sport specialized classes least represent cluster, where there is a very little thrill and adventure seeking and seeking of new experiences, where boredom susceptibility is low and respect towards rules and norms is high. Boys are most often members of a cluster where thrill and adventure is not searched but new experiences are welcome, enjoyment follows from disrespect for norms and standards and the members are susceptible to boredom. Boys of physical education and sport classes are little responsible within the learning process, they need structured tasks and they prefer experiential or kinesthetic education. It is possible to state, that the preference of learning style of grammar school students might relate to sensation seeking tendency as well as to gender and type of school class.

learning style; cognitive style; sensation; sensation seeking tendency; Learning style; interests and hobby inventory; grammar school with physical education and sports specialization

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