
The paper deals with morphostructural features of Čantoryjská hornatina Mts. Former nappe structure of Silesian unit was rebuilt by complex of neotectonic movements in the late Tertiary and Quaternary. Morphostructural analysis was orientated to investigations of fault scarps, valley patterns, water stream bed gradients and planation surfaces. We can distinguish several morphostructural subunits with different types and intensity of neotectonics. North and northwestern part of the studied area is in contrast with more uplifted ridge between V. Čantoryje Mt. and V. Stoek Mt. Horst-like structures prevail in the northern part, while vault morphostructures are preserved in southern part of Čantoryjská hornatina Mts.

Čantoryjská hornatina Mts.; geomorphology; neotectonic; morphostructural analysis

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