
Large sections in cave deposits are exposed in the Holštejnská Cave in the Moravian Karst. The periods of fluvial activity alternated with periods of speleothem deposition. The study of the genesis and age of these cave deposits poses a clue to the reconstruction of development of the Holštejnská Cave and of local paleohydrographic history. The time of deposition was determined by U-series dating of speleothems, 10Be and 26Al dating of quartz pebbles, radiocarbon dating of charcoal and measurement of paleomagnetic record in both clastic sediments and speleothems. The fluvial sediments were deposited during the Early, Middle and Late Pleistocene in the cave. The age of oldest cave sediment sequence deposited by a subsurface stream indicates that the local hydrographic situation has changed later than 0.8 Ma.

Moravian Karst; Quaternary; Holštejn Cave; sediments; dating

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