
The foraminiferal horizons were recognised in the Middle (and “Lower” Miocene Upper Karpatian – Lower Badenian deposits of the Alpine – Carpathian Foredeep Horizon with Uvigerina graciliformis etc. benthos (Karpatian age) Globorotalia div. sp., Horizon with Globigerinoides bisphericus (Karpatian) Horizon with Praeorbulina s.l., Orbulina suturalis – typical Lower Badenian Horizon with Planularia s.l., Lingulina costata, Lenticulina echinata, Orbulina suturalis (?Upper Langhian – Lower Serravallian).

Klíčová slova:
boundary; Middle Miocene; Karpatian; Grund Formation; Lower Badenian

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