Geological research (in Moravia and Silesia) 2024-11-11T00:00:00+01:00 Marek Slobodník Open Journal Systems <p>Časopis Geologické výzkumy je rozhodnutím Content Selection &amp; Advisory Board (CSAB) zařazen do <strong>databáze SCOPUS</strong> od roku 2017. Dnes je časopis již v několika databázích: CrossRef, SCOPUS, EBSCO a OpenAIRE. Od 31.ročníku (2024) časopis vychází jen v digitální podobě (on-line) ve formátu průběžného publikování v rámci jednotlivých ročníků.</p> <p>Význam časopisu „<strong>Geologické výzkumy</strong>“ spočívá v publikaci dobře zpracovaných faktů a základních dat nejen z regionu střední Evropy. Články mohou mít formát výzkumného článku běžného/standardního rozsahu a nebo "short communication", další formou jsou kvalitně zpracovaná review. Všechny články jsou publikovány v angličtině, češtině nebo slovenštině.</p> <p>K elektronické verzi článku můžeme připojovat doplňkové datové soubory, příp. i další kvalitní důležité dokumentační fotografie opatřené vlastním nezávislým vysvětlujícím textem. </p> Corkit z ložiska Zlaté Hory-Východ 2024-02-14T12:12:31+01:00 Tomáš Pek <p>Corkite, a Pb-Fe dominant member of the alunite supergroup, was found in the oxidation zone of the stratiform base metal deposit Zlaté Hory-Východ (Silesia, Czech Republic). It forms yellow-green coatings composed of microscopic botryoidal and globular aggregates in association with anglesite, cerusite, roentgenamorphic Mn-Pb oxides and plumbojarosite (which forms the cores of corkite aggregates but also occurs separatelly as cinnamon-brown coatings composed of microscopic rhomboedric crystals) in the cavities of quartz-limonite material. These aggregates are in polished section strongly zonal with a core made up of plumbojarosite with approx. 14 mol. % of (PO<sub>4</sub>)<sup>3-</sup> anion at structural position T and the peripheral parts made up of corkite. The chemical composition of corkite, determined by WDX microanalyses, is in relativelly good agreement with its theoretical formula, the anion sites are equally occupied by (SO<sub>4</sub>)<sup>2-</sup> and (PO<sub>4</sub>)<sup>3-</sup> groups or (SO<sub>4</sub>)<sup>2-</sup> slightly predominates. The arsenate anion is present only in trace amounts (below 0,01 apfu) which corresponds to the practical absence of As minerals in the primary ores of Zlaté Hory ore district. Problematic is the presence of silicium in all analyses which could be attributed either to anisomineral admixture or to the presence of (SiO<sub>4</sub>)<sup>4-</sup> at the anionic site of corkite structure. Analyses recalculated on the basis of two anion groups show excess of cations at both cation sites which could be due to the presence of unanalysed components at the anion site (probably (CO<sub>3</sub>)<sup>2-</sup> group. Structural position D is occupied virtually only by Pb with only subordinate amount of K. Substitution of Fe by Al at G site is very limited, Al together with Cu and Zn content is only minor. X-ray powder diffraction patterns (major lines 3.060 Å (100); 5.918 Å (75); 2.250 Å (47); 2.528 Å (34)) and calculated unit cell parameters of studied corkite are in good agreement with published data (Giuseppetti and Tadini 1987; Sato et al. 2009).</p> 2024-11-11T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright © 2024 Tomáš Pek Listvenit s výskytem minerálu gersdorffit-kobaltinové řady v lomu Dřínová u Tišnova (Morava) 2024-03-05T09:14:00+01:00 Pavla Hršelová Jiří Toman David Buriánek Dalibor Všianský <p>Chromian illite-magnesite-dolomite-quartz rock (listvenite-like) containing Ni-Co mineralization was found in the Svratka orthogneisses from the Dřínová quarry. The main rock-forming minerals are Fe-rich magnesite, Fe-rich dolomite, Cr-illite and quartz, less frequently calcite. Accessory minerals include chromite (with 0.841–0.886 apfu Fe<sup>2+</sup> and 1.642–1.742 apfu Cr), gersdorffite-cobaltite (Ni<sub>0.45-0.92</sub>Fe<sub>0.01-0.34</sub>Co<sub>0.01-0.34</sub>As<sub>0.83-1.02</sub>Sb<sub>0.00-0.03</sub>S<sub>1</sub>), sulfides (pyrite, sphalerite), and apatite. The illite from the Dřínová quarry contains up to 3 wt. % of Cr<sub>2</sub>O<sub>3</sub>. Presence of the Cr-illite, accesory chromite, and Ni-Co sulfoarsenides represents origin from ultrabasic protolith, reflecting transformation to phyllosilicatecarbonate-<br />quartz listvenite.</p> 2024-11-11T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright © 2024 Pavla Hršelová, Jiří Toman, David Buriánek, Dalibor Všianský Revize paleontologických nálezů z lokality Úsobrno 2024-04-12T13:05:22+02:00 Taťána Fidlerová Tomáš Turek Nela Doláková <p>The Úsobrno locality is known on the basis of fossil fauna findings, which were documented and published by Vašíček (1941). Field research has not been able to find the original locality yet. In this reason paleontological material which is deposited in the collections of ÚGV PřF MU was researched. We identified a total of 573 species which belonged mainly to the classes Gastropoda, Bivalvia, Anthozoa and Scaphopoda and compared with the original findings mentioned by Vašíček (1941). The age of the samples was determined to be the Lower Badenian.<br />Based on the findings, especially hermatypal corals, it can be assumed that the sea was warm (above 20 °C), well oxygenated with a soft and hard bottom and mostly shallow. Some findings of fauna from deeper marine areas (Ranella fragment, ahermatypal corals) indicate mixing or postmortem transport during sedimentation.</p> 2024-11-11T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright © 2024 Taťána Fidlerová, Tomáš Turek, Nela Doláková Supergénny jarosit v metalydite na lokalite Betliar-Turecká (Slovenská republika) 2024-10-24T10:58:43+02:00 Peter Ružička <p>Jarosite was identified for the first time in the metalydite of the Bystrý potok Formation of<br />the Gelnica Group in the Southern Gemeric Unit of the Western Carpathians (Slovakia) at<br />the locality Betliar-Turecká. In metalydite, jarosite forms granular aggregates with small<br />tabular to pseudocubic crystals, occurring as pseudomorphs after pyrite or as crystals<br />within muscovite interlayers. Pyrite was not preserved in the studied metalydite as it was<br />completely replaced by secondary jarosite. Pyrite is present as an accessory mineral in the<br />accompanying graphitic-muscovite phyllites, locally in the metalydite. The sulphur necessary<br />for jarosite formation comes from the breakdown of pyrite, while the source of potassium<br />is muscovite. During the supergene process, low pH fluids attack muscovite, releasing K<sup>+</sup><br />needed for jarosite formation. Chemical composition investigated by EPMA and based on<br />the Raman spectroscopy showed that, jarosite is typical with dominant Fe<sup>3+</sup> in the interval<br />of 2.86–2.97 apfu and K<sup>+</sup> in the range of 0.76–0.94 apfu. It contains minor amounts of Na<sup>+</sup><br />up to 0.13 apfu, H<sub>3</sub>O<sup>+</sup> up to 0.11 apfu, As<sup>5+</sup> up to 0.08 apfu and Pb<sup>2+</sup> up to 0.01 apfu. The<br />source of sodium in the jarosite is probably derived from muscovite, as no feldspars or clay<br />minerals have been identified in the metalydite. The arsenic in the jarosite is probably sourced<br />from arsenic-rich pyrite, while the source of lead may be attributed to galena, related<br />to hydrothermal processes within nearby metamorphic manganese mineralization. The<br />phosphorus in the jarosite likely originates from accessory apatite, which is found within<br />the surrounding acidic metavolcanoclastics and phyllites that host the metalydite horizons.</p> 2024-11-10T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright © 2024 Peter Ružička Paleoekologické vyhodnotenie fosiliferných vrstiev vrchného bádenu na lokalite Dubová (severozápadná časť Dunajskej panvy) 2024-08-06T16:03:07+02:00 Ivana Koubová Michal Jamrich Radoslav Biskupič Andrej Ruman Kamil Zágoršek Natália Hudáčková <p>Miocénne sedimenty na úpätí Malých Karpát bývajú častokrát veľmi bohaté na fosílie,<br />napriek tomu dočasné odkryvy často nebývajú zdokumentované. V práci predstavujeme<br />výsledky získané zo záchranných prác z už nejestvujúceho odkryvu jz. od obce Dubová,<br />ktorý vznikol vďaka stavebnej činnosti. Veľmi podrobne sme zdokumentovali faunu a flóru<br />marginálnych morských sedimentov vrchného bádenu (spodný seraval) nanoplanktónovej<br />zóny NN6 a ekobiozóny <em>Ammonia beccarii</em>, ktorá je laterálnym ekvivalentom zóny<br />bulimino/bolivínovej. Na základe diverzifikovanej asociácie vápnitého nanoplanktónu,<br />dierkavcov, koralov, mäkkýšov a machoviek interpretujeme zmeny paleoprostredia počas<br />sedimentácie. Aj v krátkom časovom úseku, ktorý reprezentoval profil s hrúbkou 2,5 m, sme<br />odhalili rôzne typy paleoekologického prostredia, ktoré boli ovplyvnené zmenami salinity,<br />prínosom živín a dynamikou vodného prostredia. V celom profile predpokladáme veľmi<br />plytkovodné prostredie, maximálne do 40 m, striedanie epizód s nízkym obsahom kyslíka<br />(prevaha zástupcov rodu <em>Ammonia</em>), ktoré vznikali pravdepodobne v závislosti od energie<br />prostredia. Salinita sa počas sedimentácie menila postupne od morskej, dokumentovanej<br />schránkami dierkavcov (<em>Elphidium, Borelis</em>) a machoviek <em>Cupuladria</em> a <em>Reusirella</em>, po<br />hyposalínnu dokumentovanú mäkkýšmi rodov <em>Vitta</em> a <em>Pustulosia</em> smerom do nadložia.<br />Vodný stĺpec dokumentuje príbrežné prostredie vonkajšieho šelfu, vysoká abundancia redepozitov<br />vápnitého nanoplanktónu kriedového a paleogénneho veku umožňuje uvažovať<br />o riečnych prínosoch paleo-Váhu.</p> 2024-12-12T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright © 2024 Ivana Koubová, Michal Jamrich, Radovan Biskupič, Andrej Ruman, Kamil Zágoršek, Natália Hudáčková Kyselé metavulkanity z okolí Táborských skal ve zlatohorském rudním revíru 2024-08-16T12:41:18+02:00 Tomáš Pek <p>Acidic metavolcanites from vicinity of Táborské skály in Zlaté Hory Ore District (Silesia,<br />Czech Republic) were identified as metamorhosed equivalents of rhyolites or alkali-rhyolites,<br />based on their modal composition and also on major and trace element analyses. Major<br />elements composition of so-called „problematic“ siliceous rocks, accompanying acidic<br />metavolcanites resembles more closely chemistry of sedimentary rocks, but their trace element<br />pattern is virtually identical with investigated metarhyolites; they probably represent<br />strongly altered volcanogenic (probably pyroclastic) rocks. Trace element distribution in<br />acidic metavolcanites is comparable with A-type granites. Based on A-type affinity of studied<br />rocks and position of their analyses in geotectonic discrimination plots after Pearce et al.<br />(1984), confinement of volcanism to divergent geotectonic environment is the most probable.</p> 2024-12-20T00:00:00+01:00 Copyright © 2024 Tomáš Pek