Vliv historické těžby železných rud v Podbeskydské pahorkatině a Moravskoslezských Beskydech na současný reliéf



Although relatively extensive extraction of the pelocarbonate iron ore in the Podbeskydská pahorkatina Upland and the Moravskoslezské Beskydy Mts. have terminated until the end of the 19th century, the remnants are rarely preserved in the recent relief as collapsed shafts, mining pits, dumps or their combinations. The adits are occurring infrequently, because the majority of them are completely collapsed or at least the entrance is filled up with rocks. Similarly, the shafts formerly many meters deep, are recently reflected only as shallow concave hollows. Distinct post-mining landforms are still preserved e.g. in Chlebovice, Libotín near Štramberk, Čeladná or Kozlovice villages. The causes of wrong preservation of these forms, which stood at the beginning of the Ostrava industrial agglomeration, are as: (i) mining in the incoherent fine flysch rocks, (ii) primitive mining methods without wooden setts, and (iii) intensive anthropogenic activities after the mining termination in the landscape. Some of the localities with preserved free underground spaces are remnants after the mining of the other or the related materials, or even crevice type caves. Because of the historical importance of the iron ore mining in the wider area, I would recommend consideration of at least some basic protection of preserved landforms. Otherwise, at the present rate of the landscape changes intensity, they would shortly vanish.


Klíčová slova:
iron ore; pelocarbonate; flysch; Podbeskydská pahorkatina; Moravskoslezské Beskydy; abandoned mines; recent relief

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