The Obřany Hill is situated in the Hostýn Hills which are formed by the Raèa Unit of the Magura Nappe. Local sedimentary rocks (sandstone, conglomerate, shale, rare limestones) have been characterized petrographically and geochemically in this paper. Quartz sandstones dominate at the Hill. Detrital plagioclase occurring within sandstone is pure albite. The first investigated limestone was according to Dunham classification determined as a lime mudstone. Geochemically, it is rich in SiO2. The second limestone sample was determined as chemically very pure packstone. It is probably a boulder from local conglomerates. Clay (i.e., weathered claystone) is of various colour, exhibits high contents of Al2O3 and Fe2O3 and contains concretions of pelosiderite.
Rača Unit; Hostýn Hills; petrography; geochemistry; ; sandstone; limestone; claystone
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