Objev a genetický význam porfyrického alkaliCkoživcového mikrodioritu (dioritového porfyritu) v Olšanech na Drahanské vrchovině


From large area of Culmian sediments in the Drahany Upland we described first finding of magmatic dyke (lamprophyre/minette) at the village of Rozstání-Baldovec in the last year (Krmíček - Přichystal 2005). Our second finding of magmatic dyke was ascertained in the active quarry at the village of Olšany. The igneous rock has higher magnetic susceptibility (up to 35×10-3 SI units). Using complex petrologic study we classified the rock as a porphyric alkali feldspar microdiorite. Chondrite normalized REE patterns for our dyke show good correlation with Hercynian lamprophyres at the eastern margin of the Bohemian Massif (Moravo-Silesian Region) and slightly different composition from porphyric microdiorites of the Brno Massif (Fig. 4).

Klíčová slova:
Bohemian Massif; Drahany Upland; Olšany quarry; porphyric microdiorite; chemical composition

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