Výskyt mikrogranitu s granofyrickou strukturou na hranici dioritové a metabazitové zóny brněnského masivu východně od Jinačovic



Tectonic slices of microgranites are exposed in the Metabazite Zone along its boundary with the Diorite Zone of the Cadomian Brno Massif. Rock with granophyric texture was found SW of the Velká Baba Hill. Granophyre is composed of irregular intergrows of quartz and feldspars arranged around albite lath. Rounded quartz is also presented. The granophyre has a chemical composition of trondhjemite, trace elements geochemistry can be well correlated with composition of rhyolites forming layers in metabazalts. Both rocks have character of within-plate to ocean-ridge granites and granophyres are interpreted as subvolcanic equivalent of rhyolites.

Klíčová slova:
Brno Massif; granophyre; geochemistry; geotectonic position

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