Nový pohled na pozici slepenců od Starého Jičína ve slezské jednotce flyšového pásma Karpat
The conglomerates and sandstones on the castle hill of Starý Jičín Castle, assigned by previous authors to units of different age and tectonic position, were studied from the point of view of petrography and sedimentology in connection with detailed geological survey of the area. Thick-bedded conglomerates are characterized by sharp bases, massive or normal gradation and, in places, by imbrication of coarse clasts. They are product of high-density turbidite currents, debris flow, alternatively some layers may by products of hybrid sediment gravity flow deposits. The clastic component of the conglomerates is highly dominated by Štramberk-type limestones. Clasts of dolomitized limestones, Těšín-type detrital limestones and calcareous sandstones, and altered trachyte occur very rarely. Medium- and coarse-grained calcareous sandstones contain abundant lithoclasts and a relatively small proportion of quartz grains (20–30 %). A comparison with the conglomerate and sandstone of the Palkovice Formation from Kozlovice and Myslík showed considerable similarity. The sediments of both areas range within the upper Turonian–middle Coniacian interval based on previous micropalaeontological data. The conglomerates from Starý Jičín represent the proximal facies of the submarine fan in the lower slope (Kelč Facies Succession of the Silesian Unit), while the gravity flow deposits of the Palkovice Formation represent the more distal facies of the middle part of the submarine fan in continental rise (Baška Facies Succession). Based on sedimentological features, conglomerates from Starý Jičín can be classified as high-density turbidites, debris flow or hybrid sediment gravity flow deposits deposited in the upper part of a submarine fan. High-density and classical turbidites intercalated with claystone interlayers occurs in the Palkovice Formation of the Baška Facies Succession. Such an idea is in accordance with current knowledge on submarine fan architecture and with the assumed morphology of the former Silesian Basin.
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