The Level of Integration of Bancassurance Products of Financial Groups Erste Group Bank, UniCredit Group and KBC Group in Selected Countries


This paper will evaluate the current state of cooperation between banks and insurance companies as well as internal integration of bancassurance products in financial groups Erste Group Bank, UniCredit Group and KBC Group. The evaluation is performed as of September, 2016. There shall be selected ten countries which are located in Central and Eastern Europe: Czech Republic, Slovak Republic, Poland, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Bosnia and Hercegovina, Slovenia and Serbia. The aim of this paper is to determine whether or not there is a similarity in integrated financial products belonging to different financial groups in individual countries. This paper will apply a qualitative research approach. A theoretical base for evaluating the level of cooperation between banks and insurance companies and for evaluation of an internal integration of bancassurance products will be set in the paper. The theoretical base is to be compared with the current bancassurance practice within financial groups and countries. To evaluate bancassurance practice, this paper shall use data available on web sites, financial and annual reports of financial institutions. The qualitative research is to contain a detailed analysis, sorting and comparison of set theoretical bases. The financial groups show differentness as far as integration is concerned. The research led to the conclusion that there is a similarity in bancassurance products which are offered in evaluated countries. A dissimilarity was found in the level of integration of bancassurance products.

bancassurance product; financial group; insurance group; integration of group; integration of product

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