Stock Market Development and Economic Growth: An Empirical Analysis of Zimbabwe (1989-2014)


The relationship between stock market development and economic growth varies across nations and regions. This relationship is of significance to regulatory authorities, investors and portfolio managers in their operations aimed at enhancing the welfare of the citizens and clients at large. The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between these two variables in Zimbabwe for the period 1989 to 2014. The paper employed the Vector Error Correction Model approach after establishing the order of integration (unit root tests) and cointegration between variables. All the variables were found to be stationary at 1% level after first differencing using the Phillips-Peron tests. The long run relationship was negative, whereas the short run coefficients were insignificant. Though contrary to financial theory, the results, to a large extent, testify to what happened during the period. Based on these findings, the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange and Securities and Exchanges Commission are urged to come up with alternative products to lure new listings from the small to medium enterprises. It is also recommended that all the stakeholders focus beyond the Zimbabwe Stock Exchange to promote economic growth as the firms seem to raise funds from other sources.

cointegration; economic growth; stock market; unit root tests; vector error correction model

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