Minimum non-chromatic-λ-choosable graphs
For a multi-set $\lambda=\{k_1,k_2, \ldots, k_q\}$ of positive integers, let $k_{\lambda} = \sum_{i=1}^q k_i$. A $\lambda$-list assignment of $G$ is a list assignment $L$ of $G$ such that the colour set $\bigcup_{v \in V(G)}L(v)$ can be partitioned into the disjoint union $C_1 \cup C_2 \cup \ldots \cup C_q$ of $q$ sets so that for each $i$ and each vertex $v$ of $G$, $|L(v) \cap C_i| \ge k_i$. We say $G$ is $\lambda$-choosable if $G$ is $L$-colourable for any $\lambda$-list assignment $L$ of $G$. The concept of $\lambda$-choosability puts $ k$-colourability and $k$-choosability in the same framework: If $\lambda = \{k\}$, then $\lambda$-choosability is equivalent to $k$-choosability; if $\lambda$ consists of $k $ copies of $1$, then $\lambda$-choosability is equivalent to $k $-colourability. If $G$ is $\lambda$-choosable, then $G$ is $k_{\lambda}$-colourable. On the other hand, there are $k_{\lambda}$-colourable graphs that are not $\lambda$-choosable, provided that $\lambda$ contains an integer larger than $1$. Let $\phi(\lambda)$ be the minimum number of vertices in a $k_{\lambda}$-colourable non-$\lambda$-choosable graph. This paper determines the value of $\phi(\lambda)$ for all $\lambda$.
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Copyright © 2023 Jialu Zhu, Xuding Zhu