Decomposition horizons: from graph sparsity to model-theoretic dividing lines


Low treedepth decompositions are central to the structural characterizations of bounded expansion classes and nowhere dense classes, and the core of main algorithmic properties of these classes, including fixed-parameter (quasi) linear-time algorithms checking whether a fixed graph $F$ is an induced subgraph of the input graph $G$. These decompositions have been extended to structurally bounded expansion classes and structurally nowhere dense classes, where low treedepth decompositions are replaced by low shrubdepth decompositions. In the emerging framework of a structural graph theory for hereditary classes of structures based on tools from model theory, it is natural to ask how these decompositions behave with the fundamental model theoretical notions of dependence (alias NIP) and stability. In this work, we prove that the model theoretical notions of NIP and stable classes are transported by decompositions. Precisely: Let $\mathscr C$ be a hereditary class of graphs. Assume that for every $p$ there is a hereditary NIP class $\mathscr D_p$ with the property that the vertex set of every graph $G\in\mathscr C$ can be partitioned into $N_p=N_p(G)$ parts in such a way that the union of any $p$ parts induce a subgraph in $\mathscr D_p$ and $\log N_p(G)\in o(\log |G|)$. We prove that then $\mathscr C$ is (monadically) NIP. Similarly, if every $\mathscr D_p$ is stable, then $\mathscr C$ is (monadically) stable. Results of this type lead to the definition of decomposition horizons as closure operators. We establish some of their basic properties and provide several further examples of decomposition horizons.


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