Effective bounds for induced size-Ramsey numbers of cycles


The induced size-Ramsey number $\hat{r}_\text{ind}^k(H)$ of a graph $H$ is the smallest number of edges a (host) graph $G$ can have such that for any $k$-coloring of its edges, there exists a monochromatic copy of $H$ which is an induced subgraph of $G$. In 1995, in their seminal paper, Haxell, Kohayakawa and Łuczak showed that for cycles, these numbers are linear for any constant number of colours, i.e., $\hat{r}_\text{ind}^k(C_n)\leq Cn$ for some $C=C(k)$. The constant $C$ comes from the use of the regularity lemma, and has a tower type dependence on $k$. In this paper we significantly improve these bounds, showing that $\hat{r}_\text{ind}^k(C_n)\leq O(k^{102})n$ when $n$ is even, thus obtaining only a polynomial dependence of $C$ on $k$. We also prove $\hat{r}_\text{ind}^k(C_n)\leq e^{O(k\log k)}n$ for odd $n$, which almost matches the lower bound of $e^{\Omega(k)}n$. Finally, we show that the ordinary (non-induced) size-Ramsey number satisfies $\hat{r}^k(C_n)=e^{O(k)}n$ for odd $n$. This substantially improves the best previous result of $e^{O(k^2)}n$, and is best possible, up to the implied constant in the exponent. To achieve our results, we present a new host graph construction which, roughly speaking, reduces our task to finding a cycle of approximate given length in a graph with local sparsity.


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