Cycles of every length and orientation in randomly perturbed digraphs
In 2003, Bohman, Frieze, and Martin initiated the study of randomly perturbed graphs and digraphs. For digraphs, they showed that for every $\alpha>0$, there exists a constant $C$ such that for every $n$-vertex digraph of minimum semi-degree at least $\alpha n$, if one adds $Cn$ random edges then asymptotically almost surely the resulting digraph contains a consistently oriented Hamilton cycle. We generalize their result, showing that the hypothesis of this theorem actually asymptotically almost surely ensures the existence of every orientation of a cycle of every possible length, simultaneously. Moreover, we prove that we can relax the minimum semi-degree condition to a minimum total degree condition when considering orientations of a cycle that do not contain a large number of vertices of indegree $1$.
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