
The present paper is based on a wider research study (Válková 2012) aimed at language means used to regulate discourse, or, more specifi cally, signposting the discourse and creating “some space for social interaction” (Povolná 2005: 49). In my view, discourse markers (henceforth DMs) fall under the heading of interpersonal signposts, which are to be distinguished from textual signposts that give the interpretative clues to various textshaping processes (cf. Figure 1 below). The study demonstrates the possibilities of using parallel English-Czech and Czech-English corpora to reveal quantitative differences in the ways the chosen English DMs co-occur with expressions of agreement and disagreement (narrowed in this analysis to yes and no) and gives evidence of the qualitative preferences of Czech equivalents along the syntagmatic axis.

discourse markers; agreement; disagreement; translation; Czech equivalents

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