Dějiny a dějepis 2023-08-07T11:43:50+02:00 Jan Egerle Open Journal Systems <p>Recenzovaný odborný časopis <em>Dějiny a dějepis</em> je zaměřen zejména na historii a didaktiku dějepisu. Časopis navazuje na periodikum <em>Sborník prací Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity, řada společenských věd</em> (pod tímto názvem vycházelo do roku 2021). Časopis vychází dvakrát ročně. První číslo bylo vydáno v roce 1959. Časopis vydává katedra historie Pedagogické fakulty Masarykovy univerzity. Periodikum je zařazeno do databáze ERIH PLUS. Časopis je od transformace provedené v roce 2022 vydáván ve formátu A5.</p> Editorial 2023-08-07T11:43:40+02:00 Miroslav Jireček - 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Pozdně středověká pěchota: štít armády a konec středověku? 2023-08-07T11:43:40+02:00 Petr Prouza Medieval infantry is often seen as a kind of “poor relation” of heavy cavalry. However, the issue of this branch of the military is a bit more complicated, all the more so if we look at the matter not retrospectively, but rather with a view to the future developments that awaited the infantry in the early modern period. Perhaps we can accept the general statement that strong infantry arose where the belligerent, no matter what its institutional nature, could not for some reason afford strong cavalry. Typical examples are the various Scottish rebellions or, for example, the famous Battle of Courtrai in 1302. In a similar “infantry” category, one can of course include the armies of the Swiss Commonwealth, the Hussite armies, including the very late one, which ended somewhat symbolically only in 1504 in the defensive battle of Schönberg. If we were to find the least common denominator of the way infantry was deployed in the Middle Ages, it is defensiveness, and a very static one at that. Almost any technical innovation that was (re)introduced served primarily to strengthen its defensive capabilities. Thus, in various manuals, the infantry functioned as a kind of “shield of the army” that deflects the first blow, and the cavalry then leads the attack as the “sword of the army”. The development indicated above moved to a new qualitative level at the turn of the 15th and 16th centuries. Then a new type of infantry emerged, no longer ‘medieval’ in the sense of being defensive, but capable of both effective defence and, above all, attack and manoeuvre. The annotated study traces the above-mentioned development of the infantry’s functioning in the Middle Ages and the early modern period, as well as circulating some traditional ideas related to the role of the infantry in the context of medieval warfare. 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Počátky formování československých obchodních zájmů v Turecku: od mírové smlouvy v Sèrves k mírové smlouvě z Lausanne 2023-08-07T11:43:42+02:00 Jana Musilová The aim of this article is to map the beginning of Czechoslovak-Turkish business relations from the end of the World War I until the signature of the Peace Treaty of Lausanne. It was created as a result of the work of the author, who has long been dealing with the issue of the start of Czechoslovak-Turkish business relations after the end of the World War I. This paper focuses mainly on the effort of the representatives of the Czechoslovak government in İstanbul to ensure an appropriate environment for the sale of Czechoslovak industrial products. The delegates of the Czechoslovak government in İstanbul considered local market as a great opportunity for the Czechoslovak firms and their products. It was nevertheless clear that, it was quite difficult task, since the beginning because several important steps were underestimated: primarily the opportunity to build on the previous business and financial cooperation of Austria — Hungary and the Ottoman Empire and initial disinterest of the Czechoslovak government. When collecting materials, the author mainly used the sources of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and furthermore, previously published works and articles. 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Proces schvalování zákona o obraně státu z roku 1936 2023-08-07T11:43:43+02:00 Tomáš Řepa The study focuses on the process of passing the Act on National Defence in 1936. The speeches made by the members of the National Assembly and the Senate during the discussion of the National Defence Act capture the atmosphere of the difficult and critical period for national security in which this important law was discussed – the opinions of individuals and political parties. Act No. 136/1936 Coll. on the Defence of the State was the most fundamental and complete piece of legislation in the field of defence legislation in interwar Czechoslovakia. At the most general level, it specified the ways of securing the defence of Czechoslovakia and specified the means that could be used for this purpose. He defined the defence of the state as the totality of all measures of a military and non-military nature which served to protect the sovereignty, independence, integrity, constitutional unity, democratic-republican form and security of the country against external and internal threats. Responsibility for the effective preparation of the defence of the State in peace and war fell to the Government of the Republic. 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Jak po únorovém převratu roku 1948 skončila první zlatá léta československého hokeje 2023-08-07T11:43:44+02:00 Petr Kaleta The study illustrates how the Czechoslovak totalitarian regime after February 1948 liquidated the leading players of the ice hockey team, which was the most popular collective sport in the post-war state. At this time, when the Czechoslovak borders were closed and the “Iron Curtain” was drawn between East and West, top athletes were of the few who had the opportunity to travel to the West several times a year. In the meantime, there was an increase in the number of athletes who did not return home to Czechoslovakia from sports events. State security carefully monitored both hockey players and other athletes at home and at international events, paying particular attention to contacts with emigrants and workers from the West. Thus “compromising” information was obtained, which became the basis for the upcoming hockey trial of “Ing. Bohumil Modrý et al.” in 1950. Hockey representatives led by the mentioned B. Modrý faced high prison sentences (five players received sentences ranging from 10 to 15 years; the rest received less), their representative careers were liquidated, family life suffered greatly and the power of the Czechoslovak hockey team was reduced. 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Slováci ve válce v Jugoslávii 1991–1995 2023-08-07T11:43:45+02:00 Pavel Zona The article Slovaks in the War in Yugoslavia 1991–1995 is a logical continuation of the previously published essay Czechs in the Home War – Slavonia 1991–1995. It was created as a result of the long-term work of the author, who has long been dealing with the issue of Czechs and Slovaks living in the territory of the former Yugoslavia. The article focuses mainly on the impact of the war on the Slovak minority living for several hundred years in the area of Eastern Slavonia and Srem, the direct involvement of Slovaks in military operations. Furthermore, the impact of the war on the post-war members of the Slovak minority in the area. In this environment, the interests of the two dominant nations of Croats and Serbs have long clashed, and the Slovaks are a minority in this environment completely dependent on the will of the dominant nation. When collecting materials, the author mainly used knowledge and interviews with the local population collected during study trips to Eastern Slavonia and Vojvodina. Furthermore, previously published works and articles The article is one of the products of scientific research within the University of Defense. 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Národní kulturní poklady v období komunistické totality a ve svobodné společnosti. 60 let kategorie Národní kulturní památky (1962–2022) 2023-08-07T11:43:46+02:00 Jiří Mihola The material presents the establishment of the category of National Cultural Monument in 1962. It was to include the most important and valuable monuments of the Czech Republic, the national cultural treasures. During the following decades of communist totalitarianism, the list of National Cultural Monuments was expanded in number, and among the immovable architectural and technical monuments and movable treasures, ideological monuments related to the history of the revolutionary and workers‘ movement, the Communist Party and its representatives were declared and given special emphasis in this category until 1989. In 2022, the number of national cultural monuments in the Czech Republic reached 473. For didactic use and for the preparation of excursions, walks and trips, the text is supplemented by thematic tables of national cultural monuments for the period 1962–2022, including a list of ideological monuments that were removed from this category after 1989. 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Příběh (dějiny) volyňských Čechů jako příležitost poznat i ukrajinskou historii – aneb patří toto téma do výuky? 2023-08-07T11:43:47+02:00 Dagmar Martinková With the invasion of Ukraine by Russia, many changes have entered our lives, including the daily presence of refugees from Ukraine and their children in school classrooms. Ukraine, its people and the associated history, which bears some of the causes of the conflict, have entered our lives and everyday public debates. How to grasp the topic in teaching, does it even belong in school classrooms? Pupils and students should leave primary and secondary schools equipped with basic facts and use them in their practical lives. The following paper suggests how the topic can be conceptualised. 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Zprávy 2023-08-07T11:43:48+02:00 Bohuslav Klíma Jiří Mihola Miroslav Jireček 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Anotace 2023-08-07T11:43:50+02:00 Jaroslav Novotný Miroslav Jireček Mária Letzová František Hanzlík 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright © Seznam autorů, obsah, informace pro autory 2023-08-07T11:43:50+02:00 - 2022-06-01T00:00:00+02:00 Copyright ©