Hybridní válka na Ukrajině na příkladu srovnání propagandy o banderovcích v minulosti a dnes

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

This work focuses on one modern phenomena – hybrid war. Based on the comparison of the means of expression of propaganda at that time – those directed against the activities of OUN and UPA (generally against Ukrainian nationalism in which Communism and Russian imperialism have found a deadly enemy who was very worried) or against the West, and nowadays clearly identifiable a demonstrable wave of new propaganda, not only against Ukrainian nationalism on an ideological level, but against any emancipatory effort of the Ukrainian nation to move in the international politics and civilization direction freely the way they choose themselves. Attacks against the West are an important part of this act again. Such a comparison is also very necessary because it shows that even though the backdrops and specific details more than 70 years have changed, the same farce is still playing. Some arguments have practically not changed even after years of tactics.

Klíčová slova:
propaganda; hybrid wars; Ukrainian nationalism; OUN; UPA; Stepan Bandera




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