Podíl ruských Čechů na československém odboji na počátku Velké války

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

The arrival of the Czechs into Russia and the main streams of emigration: agricultural and urban, establishing associations of compatriots, the centres and their activities at the beginning of the war. The establishment of the Czech Council in Russia and the first ideological streams at the beginning of the war, ideas about the future state of Czechs and Slovaks. Two deputations to the Tsar, the cooperation with the Tsar’s Government and the Tsar’s Army, getting the permission to establish the Czech Suite. Important personalities of the Czechoslovak resistence movement such as Otakar Červený, Václav Vondrák, Věnceslav Svihovský, Václav Girsa, Jindřich Jindříšek and others. The resistance movement support by the local economic elite, the care of the Slavonic prisoners and the beginnings of the solution to their situation. The Ladies’ Committee activities, press and propaganda, the establishment of the Endowment Fund for benefit of the Czech Suite.

Klíčová slova:
Volynian Czechs; the Czechoslovak resistence movement in Russia; diplomacy; the Council of the Czechs in Russia; the audience with the Tsar; the Czech Suite; the Ladies´ Committee; prisoners; volunteers; associations of compatriots; the Endowment Fund




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