Kníže Josev Václav Lichtenštejn "Spiritus agens et Movens" modernizace rakouského dělostřelectva

Sborník prací PdF MU, řada společenských věd

This paper examines the contribution made by Joseph Wenzel, Prince of Liechtenstein, a distinguished figure in the eighteenth century, to the military and in particular to the modernisation of the Austrian artillery. The Wars of the Austrian Succession revealed shortcomings in many areas, including military affairs, and were accompanied by the necessity of fundamental reforms. Liechtenstein made a significant contribution to the reestablishment of the importance and quality of the Austrian artillery without which the Austrian army would have been incapable of effectively asserting the Habsburg Monarchy’s ambitions as a great power.

Klíčová slova:
The Wars of the Austrian Succession; artillery; military affairs; the eighteenth century; the reforms of Maria Theresa; the Austrian army




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