Aesthetic-Therapeutic Component of the Harmonious Development of a Personality in Ukrainian and Polish Pedagogy in the Late 19th-20th Century



The article deals with a retrospective analysis of the content of the aesthetic-therapeutic component of the formation of a creative harmonious personality in Ukrainian and Polish pedagogy in the late nineteenth – twentieth century. It is defined the essence of aesthetic therapy as an integrative humanistic technology of activating the emotional sphere of a personality with the aim of providing psychologically comfortable conditions for creative personal fulfi lment. The problem of individual creative and spiritual development of a child by means of aesthetic therapy is highlighted in the views of prominent national humanist-educators (A. Makarenko, Ya. Korczak, S. Rusova, V. Sukhomlynskyi). It is proven that the most characteristic features of Ukrainian and Polish folk pedagogy are high aestheticization, Christian-spiritual and extreme nature-based content, that are fully consistent with the basic postulates of the aesthetic-therapeutic concept of personality formation.

humanistic pedagogy; aesthetic therapy; emotional sphere of a personality; psychological comfort; pedagogical creativity; music therapy; fairy tale therapy; spiritual development of a person

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