The Development of the Artistic Potential of Pupils of Primary Classes by means of Slavic Choreography



The Slavic choreography plays a significant role in developing the essential directions of children’s choreography under the conditions of school and leisure activity. The examples of Slavic choreography happen to be an eff ective measure for developing the artistic potential of younger pupils by receiving the basics of folklore –scenes and ballroom dancing. The dances of Slavic choreography that are considered typical for a variety of countries which are being taught at a school age, facilitate the development of a choreographic culture, technical skills and the imagery of a dance, they create opportunities for the children to get acquainted with the traditions, the character and the national peculiarities of the dancing culture of a certain nature. The Slavic dances
educate the child in terms of intranational tolerance and intracultural mentality, develop a high culture of international relations.

creative potential, elementary school learner, Slavic choreography, children’s choreography, artistic and fi gurative thinking, creative identity.

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