Travelling within the Socialist Period in the Awareness of Today's Youth


I subjected to a content analysis six Polish and six Czech history textbooks designed especially for secondary school students. Based on the results of that analysis, I compiled a questionnaire that included 15 questions. Empirical research was attended by three Polish lyceums (Cieszyn, Pszczyna, Wisła), three Czech grammar schools (Český Těšín, Havířov, Orlová) and the Polish language grammar school in Czech Republic (Český Těšín). The 499 students were engaged in that research, the ages of respondents ranged from 15 to 19 years. The main purpose of that empirical research was to determine the awareness among today’s studying youth of the socialist period, specifically about the former daily life of population. The questions concerned issues such as store supplying, home furnishings, anti-regime opposition, etc. In this article I would like to approach the topic of travelling in the period of communism, first as presented in textbooks, and secondly what awareness have today’s students of this issue.

Key words; period of socialism; travelling; students; educatio


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