Wales po devoluci: budování výlučného regionu a role Evropské unie v tomto procesu


This paper deals with the issue of building Wales as a unique region in the context of the European Union and its resources. The author focuses on the period after 1999, i.e. the time when devolution took place and when official Welsh representatives emerged via the National Assembly for Wales (NAW). Since then, Wales has entered into cooperation with the EU, in order to gain access to resources provided by the Union. The cooperation is however of a specific kind, since officially, Welsh representatives have to communicate with the EU through the political representation of Great Britain. Nevertheless, by acting informally, Welsh representatives manage to avoid the British government in relevant contexts and communicate with the EU directly. In this way, they are able to exploit the formal and informal rules for their advantage (i.e. for building Wales as a unique region). The main purpose of this text is to show that the case of Wales can be replicated by any region that has official political representation, even if it has only weak representative institutions and has to deal with limitations posed by the existence of a central government.

Klíčová slova:
Devolution; European Union; Nationalism; Regionalism; Wales;
Biografie autora

Jiří Mertl

Kontakt: Katedra politologie a mezinárodních vztahů, Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, Avalon Business Center, Poděbradova 2842/1, 30100 Plzň 3. E-mail:;

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