Romanies at the crossroads. The dilemma of contemporary Romany politics


One of the least reflected on consequences of the collapse of the Soviet bloc was the opening of the Romany question. Over the 1990s the countries of central and eastern Europe have undergone an economic and political transformation. On the one hand this has had a negative impact on the overwhelming majority of Romanies but, on the other hand, has offered them the opportunity to give active answers, an opportunity previously not available for them under the totalitarian regime.

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Barša, Pavel: Politická teorie multikulturalismu, Brno, CDK, 1999, p. 279 – 294.

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Hirschman, Albert O.: ”Exit, Voice, and the Fate of the German Democratic Republic,” in: A Propensity to Self-Subversion, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass., 1995: 9 - 44.

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Shuzhay, Péter: ”Constructing a Gypsy National Culture”, Budapest Review of Books 5/3, 1995: 111 – 120.





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