Lack of information and difficulty of implementation as the obstacles to the adoption of performance measurement systems at Czech organisations


The paper focuses on the topical issue of adopting standardised tools for the measurement of performance, with the centre of attention being a lack of information and the difficulty of implementation. The empirical part presents insights into the perception of the above aspects by selected Czech organisations. An analysis of data collected through a quantitative survey among 331 entities, carried out by the Institute for Evaluations and Social Analyses (INESAN) in 2012, indicates that the current practice of performance measurement at organisations influences the perception of selected obstacles. Organisations that measure performance in selected areas and use selected procedures often claim they know which standardised tools are adequate for performance measurement, yet they also often perceive implementation as problematic. Conversely, the incidence of selected performance measurement issues at organisations is positively associated with the perception of both a lack of information and the perception of implementation as problematic.

Klíčová slova:
Performance measurement; PMS; obstacles; lack of information; implementation; quantitative research; Czech organisations
Biografie autora

Hana Gruntová Kolingerová

Institute for Evaluations and Social Analyses, s.r.o. Heřmanova 1169/22 170 00 Prague 7

Departement of Management Studies, Head of Departement

Institute for Evaluations and Social Analyses


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