Potential of open data in the Czech Republic
Central European Journal of Management
The paper Potential of open data in the Czech Republic deals with the current situation of open data government and autonomous institutions in the Czech Republic in comparison with other European Union countries (Great Britain, France, Belgium, Austria, Estonia, ...) and defines the possibilities of open data economic development of the Czech Republic. Methodology of the paper includes a search resources dealing with the issue of open data in the Czech Republic and the European Union, comparing the obtained data, the analysis of obtained data and draft of recommendations for further development. The first part is an evaluation of the current situation and the situation compared with other EU countries. Further conditions for further development and evaluation of the potential of open data for the Czech Republic. The final section of the paper deals with evaluation of possibilities open application data management processes of companies in the Czech Republic in terms of strategic and innovation management. The result is an overview of the potential use of open data in the context of economic development and an estimate of the trend in applications open at the government level.
Czech Republic; economic and innovation potential; economic development; European Union; government data; open data
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