A Survey of Stakeholder Visualization Approaches
Central European Journal of Management
The aim of this paper is to present an overview of studies for the representation/visualization of stakeholders with a proposal of our own method of visualization. The following text examines the existing representational methods and at the same time critically evaluates their advantages and disadvantages. In addition, our own proposed approach is also presented.
The need to develop visualization methods for use in the concept of stakeholders has been accepted by researchers, and it is possible to encounter number of various alternatives which have been applied more or less successfully. The shared weakness of the majority of the models is that they only represent two main attributes simultaneously. When such models do contain three variables, then the third one is only a complementary aspect of the relationship compared to the two dominant attributes.
Our proposed visualisation model based on three Mitchell´s (1997) stakeholder attributes should overcome the before mentioned disadvantage. Also, it takes into account the development over time in accordance with the dynamic of the relationships with the stakeholders. Therefore, the proposed three-dimensional model meets these needs and simultaneously removes the shortcomings of the other models, which are identified in our overview presented in this paper.
Stakeholders; model; mapping; representation; visualization; Mitchell´s attributes.
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