Central European Journal of Management


Nowadays, it has become inherent risk with any type of business. The same situation is in the energy management market, in which there are different types of risks, starting from the moment the production of electricity passing through its distribution, and ending on sales to retail customers. This is due to the specificity of the product, which is electricity, the current structure and legal regulations. The notion of risk is known to mankind since the dawn of history, at the beginning concerned to ensure adequate conditions for survival, then together the growing economy has become inextricably linked to every sphere of human life and business. The aim of the study is the classification and breakdown risk inherent in energy management and decision-making processes that are tightly linked to the management. Related is therefore an unknown future, the lack of complete information, which are aimed at eliminating the risk or reducing it. During the next successive processes that take place as
a consequence of the decision taken, there may be interference coming from the environment or social environment, causing uncertainty.

risk; management; energy management; optimization of energy management risks; types of risk

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