Complexity of governance structures: Taxonomy of governance structure models used by Czech national sport organizations

Central European Journal of Management

Most of the research on nonprofit governance is predominantly focused on board while the complexity of governance structure is overlooked. This study examines governance structure models of Czech national sport organizations (NSOs) as a representative of nonprofit sector. Qualitative research design was employed and document analysis was conducted. Results reveal substantially higher diversity in complexity in governance structure of NSOs in comparison to literature and the results lead to development of taxonomy of governance models of NSOs. Two grounds of the diversity were analysed. First, governance structure models are influenced by continental (two-tier) corporate governance model and Anglo-Saxon (one-tier) governance model. Second, governance structure models vary in number of electoral levels between an individual member and an NSO general meeting. The developed models are discussed and links to structural variables analysed.
Author biography

Pavel Král

University of Economics, Prague

Pavel Král is a senior lecturer at the University of Economics, Prague, Faculty of Management Jindrichuv Hradec. His main area of research is sport management. He is a member of European Association for Sport Management. He cooperates with world authorities in sport management and he did two research internships with Griffith University, Australia. He is also a head of the board of the University sport club.

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