Archaeological research of the Slavkov gallows (near the Křenovice municipality)
The Slavkov (Austerlitz) gallows was located on a well visible spot at the boundary of the Slavkov and Křenovice estates. Excavation in the area in question revealed the foundation outline of a slightly trapezoidal building made of stones. The outer length of its side measured approximately 6 meters. Within the building layers of detritus were uncovered, at places interspersed with humus-like interlayer containing numerous human bones, placed in non-anatomical positions. According to various typological patterns the Slavkov gallows belongs to the well type gallows with quadrangular foundation; this type was built from the 16th century onward. During excavation of the gallows site infrequent fragments of ceramics were found, the majority of which can be dated to the 17th and 18th century. Small clips consisting a wire hook and loop which were found within the gallows area were a common part of contemporary garments. Nails, a horseshoe and metal circle were associated with traffic at the location. Two glass fragments originate from bottles which can be dated to the second half of the 17th century up to the first half of the 18th century. A silver coin – greschl, discovered in close surroundings, was minted in the year 1696 in the Silesian principality of Württemberg – Olešnice by the duke Christian Ulrich (1664–1704). After the excavation was concluded, the location was arranged in a form of a memorial associated with an educational footpath which reminds of the gallows existence.
the judiciary; gallows; modern age; archaeology
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