Movements of the bearded seal in the White Sea monitored by satellite telemetry



Movements and distribution data of the bearded seal (Erignathus barbatus) in the White Sea during summer and autumn were obtained as a result of tagging with satellite telemetry transmitters (STT). Russian-made Pulsar STTs operated in the Argos system. Catching and tagging of bearded seals was carried out in the Onega and Mezen bays in 2014, 2015 and 2017. Altogether, 7 STTs were installed on seals of different ages and sexes. Analysis of satellite telemetry data showed that during the non-ice period bearded seals were tied to local habitat areas, and the dynamics of their movements differed in the inner and open parts of the sea. The STT data suggest that these differences in distribution are due to lability in feeding and show good adaptation of the bearded seal in the conditions of poorly accessible feed base of the White Sea. The diverse feeding strategy of the bearded seal in the White Sea, and its adaptation to the difficult feeding conditions of the sea, may help the species to survive in the region and ensure stable population numbers in changing environmental conditions.

satellite telemetry; movements; distribution; bearded seal; White Sea

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