Diversity of the Cyanoprokaryota in polar deserts of Innvika cove North-East Land (Nordaustlandet) Island, Spitsbergen
The study of polar deserts cyanoprokaryotes up to now is few. Foremost this is connected with difficulty visiting of the area. The paper presents the results of a study of сyanoprokaryota on the southern coast of Innvika cove (Fotherbyfjorden bay, North-East Land Island, Spitsbergen archipelago). A total of 74 taxa were observed in various habitats of investigated area. Nine species are reported for the first time for Spitsbergen flora. Gloeocapsopsis magma (20 observations), Nostoc commune (19), Microcoleus autumnalis (17) were the most common species in the investigated samples. The most number of species (42) was found on wet rocks. The similarity Sorensen index between wet rock species, seepage species and pools species is very high. It can mean that for many species the only necessary preference in habitat is a rock substrate and wetting. Most similar are the flora of the Innvika area and flora of the west part of Oscar II Land (61%).
Cyanoprokaryota; Cyanobacteria; Arctic; Spitsbergen; diversity; ecology
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[1] Verlegenhuken weather station (http://www.yr.no/place/Norway/Svalbard/Verlegenhuken/
[2] Norwegian Polar Institute (http://www.npolar.no)
[3] CYANOpro data base (http://kpabg.ru/cyanopro/),
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